Wednesday, 28 September 2016

MARS the God of war

The Greek and Roman God of war were Ares and both civilizations named Mars the red planet after him, the planet is also known as the red one and the fire star.

The Red Planet

 Mars has always been looked upon as a planet with legions of war-like creatures ready to invade Earth at ant time. Man even have a name for these native inhabitants of the planet Mars, since 1877 the name "Martians" has been used, even today with our scientific knowledge of the planet there are still many who believe that flying saucers filled to the brim with little green Martians are ready to take over this planet of ours at any time.

H.G. Wells

H.G.Wells that prolific English writer wrote in 1898 a science fiction novel "The War of he Worlds." his words "Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us." Can still send a shiver through your veins as you read his book.

The radio program that started a panic 

In 1938, the story was broadcast on the radio as part of The Mercury Theatre on the Air on the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network as a Halloween episode it was narrated and directed by Orson Welles The first 40 minutes of the broadcast was in the form of a news bulletin and led to panic by some listeners who believed the program was real

The two sons of the God of war

Mars has two moons and even those have scary connotations, Phobos (panic/fear) and Deimos (terror/dread), in Greek mythology, they were the sons of Ares, and always followed him into battle Their Mother was Aphrodite and she and Ares gave birth to the gods Eros, Anteros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, and Adrestia.

Just like Earth, well almost 

Mars like the Earth has polar ice caps, that means there is water on Mars, it also has volcanoes, valleys, and deserts and although it has only a thin atmosphere man have always looked at it as the possible next planet to colonized. The Martian day is about the same as an Earth day, as is a day, it has seasons like the Earth but they last nearly twice as long, nice in the summer but wow that winter. A big bonus is you would only be half your age because a year on Mars is almost twice as long as on Earth Would you like to go there? A one-way trip to the red planet has already been organized by a Dutch group and so far there have been 200,000 applicants for the Mars One mission. if you fancy being one of these this is where you can sign up.

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